2000 – 2022

Eze Village (South of France), Palm Beach (Florida/USA), Monte-Carlo (Monaco), Seekirchen (Austria), Funchal (Madeira)

“This time was marked by my various creative projects. It involved the realization of architectural designs for various immersive experiences, such as the World of Living and the art of parking garage wall decoration. During the years of implementation, painting took a back seat. In my painting, the expression of my works became more intense. Color took dominance over the clear drawings from the previous period. Some paintings were overlaid with layers of paint over the course of years. Additionally, old paintings of mine from the years 1975 to 2000 were used as templates and overlaid.

There were various experiments in different directions, but the origin of my painting, based on the image ‘The Head,’ became increasingly reinforced and retained its influence. The painting ‘Love can make you dance’ was used for the book cover ‘O Amor a grande ferramenta’ by Sonia Sahao, Brazil 2008 ISBN 978-85-906985-1-7.

While in the ‘young artist’ phase, I wanted to stand out with my eccentric clothing and behavior, I became calm and composed in my ‘mature artist’ phase. The titles of the paintings reflect my emotional state. The paintings speak for themselves and require no further explanation.”


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